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Go forth and teach all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the

Father, and of the Son and of the

Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe

all things that I have commanded

you; and Lo, I AM with you always,

even unto the end of the world.
(Matthew 28:19-20)


The Council of Orthodox Christian Churches of Metropolitan Detroit is a cooperative organization of clergy and laity, established in 1957.

Our mission is to promote the Orthodox Christian Faith in the region through worship and fellowship, offering a variety of charitable, educational and outreach programs.  Additionally, we work with our parishes, across all canonical jurisdictions, striving to enhance and strengthen their efforts and ministries.  We invite and encourage you and your parish to become active in the COCC!  Help us better live the ancient Faith in a modern world, serving one another and our great city as a more vibrant and dynamic organization.

COCC Highlights


  • Schedule of Inter-Orthodox Sunday Lenten Vespers Services [coming soon]
  • Next Monthly Meeting: TBA [click here]
Latest News


Council of Orthodox Christian Churches to sponsor Sunday Lenten Vespers [coming soon]

CLICK HERE for all of our recent News

Community Calendar


(We invite parishes & organizations to submit events. CLICK HERE for more info.)

  9   Orthodoxy Sunday Vespers: Annunciation Cathedral, Detroit
16   Lenten Vespers: St, Mark, Rochester Hills
23   Lenten Vespers: St. Mary Basilica, Livonia
30   Lenten Vespers: Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Plymouth

6    Lenten Vespers: St. Mary Magdalene, Fenton
13  Great Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord - Holy Pascha


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