A few parishes in the Metropolitan Detroit area have started, or are in the process of starting, Orthodox Christian Schools. We offer a directory of these institutions for those who may be interested to consider it for their children, make financial contributions to help the schools, or share the information with others to help spread the word.
(If your parish has or is in the formal process of forming a school and you do not see it listed here, please send us the link at webeditor@coccdetroit.org to be considered for publication.)

Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor Orthodox Classical Academy (FORMING)
Ann Arbor MI
Website: http://www.facebook.com/a2oca

St. Mary Montessori
18100 Merriman Road #100, Livonia MI 48152
Phone: (734) 743-5601
Website: http://stmarymontessori.com

St. Clair Shores
Assumption Nursery School & Toddler Center
22150 Marter Road, St. Clair Shores MI 48080
Phone: (586) 772-4477
Website: http://assumptionnursery.org